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Cool Plants for Office With No Windows

If you’re looking for plants for offices without windows, then you’ve come to the right place! Here are the best!

When choosing plants for offices without windows, it’s important to choose varieties that thrive in low light conditions. These thrive in limited light and provide a lush, green ambience that will lift your mood, purify the air and create a more pleasant and productive workspace!

Plants for Office With No Windows

1. Snake Plant

Botanical Name: Sansevieria

Its air-cleaning capabilities filter toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene from the air, making the office environment healthier.

2. ZZ Plant

Botanical Name: Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

Including a ZZ plant in your office would be a good idea because of its low maintenance and spectacular display of glossy leaves.

3. Spider Plant

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Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum

Its eye-catching appearance and low-maintenance nature make it an ideal addition. It will continue to thrive even if you forget to water it occasionally.

4. Philodendron

Botanical Name: Philodendron hederaceum

Philodendrons are among the most common houseplants that thrive in low-lit environments, making them perfect for offices.

5. Lucky Bamboo

Botanical Name: Dracaena sanderiana

Lucky Bamboo makes for an elegant and easy-to-care-for centerpiece. This compact plant has slim stems and bright green leaves and is said to bring luck.

6. Cast Iron Plant

Botanical Name: Aspidistra elatior

This plant is ideal for windowless offices. Its shiny leaves are well adapted to low-light environments, making it ideal for every desk in the office!

7. Chinese Evergreen

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Botanical Name: Aglaonema commutatum

Aglonemas are one of the most colorful options you have for low-lit spaces like a windowless office! They ask for less attention, too!

8. Corn Plant

Botanical Name: Dracaena

Corn Plants are pros at surviving in low to moderate light conditions, typical of many office settings. They require minimal watering, making them ideal for busy environments.

9. Parlor Palm

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Botanical Name: Chamaedorea elegans

Its small size makes it ideal for keeping it on office desks, shelves, or even windowsills. It keeps on thriving without much attention and also purifies indoor air.

10. Asparagus Fern

Botanical Name: Asparagus densiflorus

This plant is highly versatile and can thrive in typical office environments. Its leaves look like none other, which makes it a great addition!

11. Rubber Plant

Botanical Name: Ficus elastica

The glossy leaves of this plant are a must-have in a classy office decor. It can be a great side table plant that will elevate the overall look of the office for sure!

12. Zebra Plant

Botanical Name: Haworthiopsis fasciata

It’s small enough to fit on desks or shelves, making it ideal for offices without windows! The two-tone leaves are an eye-catcher!

13. Nerve Plant

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Botanical Name: Fittonia albivenis

The contrast of the white and deep red veins on the green leaves makes Fittonia an ideal choice for any dull office setting!

14. Aloe Vera

Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis miller

Aloe vera is a champion when it comes to low-light settings. Its quirky shape will definitely spruce up any office setting!

15. American Rubber Plant

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Botanical Name: Peperomia obtusifolia

These plants are perfect for windowless offices because they like low to moderate light levels. They are also drought-tolerant.

16. Umbrella Plant

Botanical Name: Schefflera arboricola

Its glossy oval leaves spread out in a fan-like pattern, forming a lush green canopy, making it great to keep beside office cubicles.

Quick Tips to Make Sure the Plants Thrive in a Windowless Office

1. Use grow lights

They provide a sun-like light spectrum that is essential for photosynthesis. Additionally, unlike natural sunlight, the intensity and duration of exposure to grow lights can be controlled. This makes it possible to create an optimal lighting environment for plants, regardless of external weather conditions.

2. Swap the plant position

It is recommended to change the location of the plant every 5-9 days. If you have a sunny balcony, leave the plant there for a day or two and then return it to the windowless office – this will give the plant the light it needs to thrive.