Home / Styles & Trends / Black Turtleneck And Front-Buttoned Skirt With OTK Boots

Black Turtleneck And Front-Buttoned Skirt With OTK Boots

Let yourself be inspired by this breathtaking outfit idea for long, casual street walks in autumn. We see a black turtleneck Combined with a buttoned skirt in the front and black suede OTK boots. A new update for casual weekends.

How to wear black turtleneck and button-front skirt with OTK boots this fall 2021


Every outfit is unique, so this fall everyone has to experiment with wearing black turtlenecks and skirts with front buttons and OTK boots. I’ve decided to show you the latest guide to fashion trends for women for 2019 including: Fall, Buttoned Skirts in Front, OTK Boots, Suede Boots, Turtlenecks. Every single piece is a must for the current season.