Home / Styles & Trends / Cable Knit Sweater With Flared Crop Jeans Outfit

Cable Knit Sweater With Flared Crop Jeans Outfit

How to wear a knitted sweater with flared crop jeans in black this fall 2021

OOTD @medina__cami

Upgrade your style with this seventies-inspired look. We see a knitted sweater in black, flared jeans with black leather block heel ankle boots. Update that vintage style with a roomy black leather handbag.

Every outfit is unique. So everyone needs to experiment with wearing cable knit sweaters with black cropped jeans this fall. I decided to show you the latest women’s fashion trends guide for 2019 including: ankle boots, knitted sweaters, chunky heel boots, fall, flared jeans, jeans, knitwear, sweaters. Every single piece is a must for the current season.