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Tropical Plants You Can Grow in Just Water

Here are some beautiful tropical plants that you can grow in water anywhere – in the garden or in a small bowl!

If you’re a fan of tropical flair but don’t want to deal with potting soil, then these plants will be more than happy to thrive indefinitely in water!


Tropical plants that you can only grow in water

1. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Tropical plants that you can only grow in water

How can we miss it This one here! Easy to grow and adds a colorful tropical vibe wherever it thrives! Make sure there is enough indirect light. Change the water weekly.

2. Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

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Small and sweet – This one here All you need is a small bowl of water and it will thrive for years! Prefer filtered light – also ensure a constant water level.

3. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

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The arched leaves of this plant have a stunning combination of yellow and green! It thrives in indirect bright light; Renew water regularly.

4. Philodendron

Tropical plants that only need water to grow

With a large selection of varieties, there is something for everyone! The plant enjoys medium to bright indirect light; Change water weekly.

5. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Tropical plants you can only grow in water 4

A large bowl in a bright window is all you need to grow this plant and watch it produce beautiful spathes! Make sure, that Keep the water clean.

6. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

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Its snake-like leaves would certainly attract attention, especially when placed on a tabletop and displayed Roots in water! Prefers indirect light; Change water every 6-10 days.

7. Monstera Deliciosa

Tropical plants only grow with water

The plant A must if you love large and cut leaves! It thrives in indirect light – change the water regularly.

8. Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)

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Without this beauty, a water garden can never be complete! The curled and velvety leaves are a feast for the eyes and thrive in indirect, bright light.

9. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

Tropical plants that you can only grow in water

Flowers in water are not a common sight, so you MUST have them in a small pond in your garden. The plant thrives and blooms in full sunlight.