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Tips to Start a Balcony Flower Garden

Do you love flowering plants and want to grow them on your balcony? Follow all these tips to start a balcony flower garden!
If you live in an apartment and don’t have a common backyard space to create flower beds, don’t let that stop you from growing your favorite blooms. Take a look at some essential tips for creating a balcony flower garden to create one for yourself!

1. The climate you live in – If you live in a tropical climate, you cannot grow flowers that are suited to cold temperatures. You need to grow flowers that do well in warm weather. For example hibiscus!

Likewise, in cold climates, you cannot grow flowers that are suited to hot temperatures. Pick those that do well in cold weather, like Camelia.

2. The orientation of your balcony and its sun exposure – If you have a south or west facing balcony it will receive full sun which is excellent for almost all flowering plants.

If you have an east-facing balcony, it will have partial daylight due to the morning sun exposure. In this case, you can grow flowers that prefer half sun, such as begonias, astilbes and bleeding hearts.

For a north-facing balcony, plant flowers that tolerate full shade, such as impatiens, snowdrops, lilies of the valley, hydrangeas, and hostas.

3. How Much Time You Can Put In – This is another crucial factor to consider before choosing plants.

If you’re a professional who often can’t find time to stay home, opt for low-maintenance plants, you can even grow flowering succulents.

However, if you work from home or find time to be at home, you can try growing challenging plants since you will have plenty of time to take care of them.
Don’t fill your balcony with so many plants right away if you’ve only just started. Give yourself some time. Start with 3 to 5 plants at a time. Once you have a green thumb, add more or you’ll feel overwhelmed.